Gay anime boy with a collar and bell

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The backlash is overblown for a number of reasons. Russia further announced that Beauty and the Beast will be rated 16+ over concerns that the adaptation would violate the country's 'gay propaganda' laws. 'He's confused about what he wants.'įollowing that announcement, evangelical preacher Franklin Graham warned that Disney is trying to 'push the LGBT agenda into the hearts and minds of… children.' A conservative mommy blogger cancelled her trip to Walt Disney World over the controversy, while an Alabama drive-in has declined to screen the film.

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'LeFou is somebody who on one day wants to be Gaston and on another day wants to kiss Gaston,' Condon said. Director Bill Condon told the British gay magazine Attitude that Le Fou, the bumbling sidekick played by Josh Gad, would be portrayed as a gay man. Conservative groups have urged a boycott of Disney over news that the family-friendly studio would feature its first 'exclusively gay moment' in the live-action remake of Beauty and the Beast.

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